Keyword in Meta Title Tag Blogger has a vital role. Almost all search engines give more focus on title usage. The title should only represent 2 until 3 keywords. The closer keywords in the beginning of the title, the better it will be. If you have focus on this short title, it won’t become a problem. But sometimes, there is a title that you need to enter more than 10 words and it will look too long. Frankly, this will become a serious problem if you are focus to title usage, long title usage will ruin your posting title in search engine. This is caused by keyword existence in your posting title is being stolen by your blog title. You need to know that search engine won’t show the result of text completely but will only cut your keyword with the mark […] as the next text.
If you notice the title in blog in a glance, there seems to be nothing strange. But actually, behind the title of the blog, there is a secret that is rarely known by Bloggers. Even if you use View Source in the browser, you won’t see any change of the code in this title blog meta since the browser has already converted HTML to standard default modus. Thus, it won’t show HTML but default script in Edit HTML Blogger.
You may see that this blog’s main title can be counted as a long one where O-OM’S BLOG is the blog’s title and then it is followed by some main keywords. Let’s see what will be happened in the result of the search engine if I use long title in the standard blogger’s title, as an example the keyword is “Cara membuat Favicon”. Clearly, the main problem is the users won’t ever find keywords with that title. It is very clear that long title usage will be a vital problem where you will lose keywords in the posting title.
An example problem in long title:
O-OM'S BLOG | Tips dan Trik Blogger untuk Pemula: Cara ....
See the difference between the result in above and the result in below, which one do you think is the best?? Of course it is the below one. It is so clear that the keywords of Posting title is behind the blog’s title before the main keywords. Click here to see more.
An example of modified long title:
O-OM'S BLOG: Cara Buat Favicon | Tips dan Trik Blogger ....
How do I manipulate so that the posting title is between the blog’s title and
the main keywords? Follow the method below so you will know the difference.
2. In the blog title, enter your blog’s name (It’s better if you use only two words)
3. Then enter Edit HTML page and then search for the code below:
And then add your keywords like in the red text example below (you are able to change it with your own keywords)
<title><data:blog.pageTitle/> | keyword1, keyword2, keyword3</title>
4. Save and see the result.
Long title won’t be a problem anymore now thus you don’t have to be afraid to use long title, even more losing posting title keywords in the search engine… Please experiment yourself. Thanks O-OM.
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