How to get more traffic using eBook?

If you make article series, why don’t you compiled it become eBook? Beside you can get profit, just using eBook you will get traffic as the result. .
Who know that both of my eBook get big traffic in the market, if I said the real one, I just make it just 2 hours. How can? Because it just compiled from my article, which make long is how to make banner design, I’m not the effort in design. The most important thing is the quality.

Well forget the article above. This time I will share my experience how you can get traffic then received many reader of feed just by using eBook. Actually promote by eBook isn’t new thing and it often to discuss, but no problem, because it is my :)

Did by using eBook can increase traffic?

Yaro Starak said, wrote eBook Blog Profits Blueprint his own most get traffic than just wrote an article. Big Pillar article give big something as what they do. (unfortunately, it is not big profit).

What Yaro Starak said right, by using ebook we can get big traffic not big profit, yup forget about the profit first. How can get profit if our blog aren’t sold, right? It is right when I launch my first eBook kiat sukses promosi blog (indonesia version) then my second ebook Step by step blogspot custom domain just from my second blog my visiter increase than before. As real fact if you see Feedburner reader count and Feedblitz my own every day increase and I believe that it the one of effect from that spread.

If you make article series, why don’t you compiled it become eBook? Beside you can get profit, just using eBook you will get traffic as the result. Article that you wrote maybe will stimulate you to make it, from now try to make simple eBook first, and then see the responses and control the download statistic. Or you can make notes for it. If that eBook have quality, can you imagine that the result of your article will shared to the other reader. It will happen in along time. Of course eBook will be crowded as the result. I belive that you will be provider.

For the next article I will explain the effective way to make eBook, decided the tittle, choose format eBook and the best way to promote it.

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